They Came For Me

Copyright 2017

It had been happening for a while now. I would wake at 2:23AM every night. My dark brown eyes would look fiercely at the red numbers on my alarm clock to verify. Sighing, since this was getting old, I always knew that the weird star outside would flash bright. It never was too bright. Just a quick flash like a camera. Then the clock would announce it was 5:49AM. Every night.

I never felt myself fall asleep. I don’t even know if I blinked against the bright star. I just know it happened. It has been happening for years now. This all started when I was 17. I just had my 23rd birthday yesterday. I also am exhausted. I feel like I haven’t slept in all of those years.

My parents were becoming more concerned as medicine and doctors haven’t helped. Therapist have brushed me off. No reason for the insomnia nor the exhaustion. Now, here they were taking me to a different one. A hypnotist was my final choice before an extensive sleep study in a hospital bed.

France Gamble

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Foreseen Chapter One

A river flowed peacefully along the side of the meadow. Her hands brushed along the grass and she watched as the sun glistened on the top of the water. It was beautiful. Peaceful.

As usual, though, her dream didn’t stay that way. The sun darkened above her. A cold wind blew against her bare arms and she wrapped them around her. She sniffled back tears as the river turned a blood red in front of her. Turning around and the shadow fell more over her. He was going to kill her. This time she wouldn’t escape. 


The office was bustling with uniformed police and people in suits. The phones rang, chatting filled the air, and papers rustled amongst the chaos. Today was a busy day for the offices of the small city police station. Detective Charles Wu felt the pressure as he sat down at his desk in the middle of the precinct. It was busy, but a small bit of melancholy also tasted the air. The new report on his desk seemed to shine against the other four it now covered. Another murder. 

They were on his desk now, and that made it a serial case. This new one had made it to him. He sighed as he opened the top folder, the newest death. A man in his late thirties smiled up from the picture clipped to the side of the victims record. He didn’t even read the name, yet. He opened them all to look at his initial view. He was hoping to see the pattern right away, but their pictures showed nothing to him. Two men and three women; they were all varying in ages as well. Something made them a target, Wu knew. 

He would have to read their files. Without opening to the supposed horrifying pictures of their deaths, he read their profiles. All of them had different day professions. What connected them? 

“Psychics, huh?” a deep voice asked over his shoulder.



Casey Chapter 1

She had been staring at me for the whole class hour. I could feel it, and even when I turned to check she was looking at me. Those few glances from my sight made her eyes almost pull tears forward. She was going to cry. Why? 

“Casey!” she yelled out as I was now standing after class with Brandon and Wess. 

“Indigo is calling,” Wess snickered. I punched his arm slightly harder than I meant to. I knew he was messing around, but I really hated the teasing. Sure she wasn’t the most popular girl, but she was my friend. 

“Alright guys. See ya later,” I laughed off the accidental punch. I got a slug back from both of them. Wess’ once again was harder than it should have been, but Brandon gave me a friendly slap on my back. I would see them before school started in the morning. Most likely they would both try and get whatever Indigo wants out of me.

She hadn’t even moved toward me until I turned to look at her fully without my friends. A few snickers and calls came out from some of the cheerleaders toward her. Yeah, I knew she wasn’t popuar, but this was worse since she had yelled out my name in a crowded hallway. 

“Uh,” she looked down. This wasn’t being shy, though. Tears clung hard to her eye lashes. 

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Casey Author Note

I am rewriting this story from a different angle. Please be patient with me as I have found my muse did not like the way the current was going. So, the new chapters will be available in full on my Patreon. It is rated M for Mature still, but is also edited for the rules on Patreon I have set.

I know I usually post full chapters on here, but I found that I was short sighting myself that way. I still have my free short stories, and I will be giving previews to the chapters on here.

I love you all for coming with me on this journey. If you want to read the new Casey then all it takes is $1 a month! Not much at all! Tell your friends where they can find some great artists, podcasts, and authors as well!

Pandemic Blues

I am sure you are all with me on this. This pandemic has been hard for everyone, and especially difficult for those of us who live off of small incomes.

This said, I am here to say I am back! I have Casey ready to be updated again. There are numerous short stories written up (imposter syndrome has me horrible on these). Currently my posting schedule is as follows:

-Mondays will be Casey until it is finished.

-Wednesdays will be short stories until I run out of ideas.

-Fridays are going to be my work on Warlord until it is finished.

I will also be opening up the first chapters of my current works in progress for those who have not been able to be paying for full access. I think this will help prove that I am worth reading. 

School has started again, but this year the kids are good on their own for longer times. I also now have a full office area to work in. This is going to be a great benefit to me. Especially since I usually write in a café on weekends and not at my own home. The office is set for nighttime work and full benefits can be reached by Patreon people now! I am excited about this option for everyone. 

I have also decided to open up my Ko-Fi donation site for special short stories just over there dealing with a new idea I came up with during quarantine. I really hope you will go over and read that serial short story for the small donation site.

Let me know below what you want to see from my end. I really want to interact more with my fans and give more voices out there to my readers.